
WRP does not guarantee the validity of a job offer and cautions Job Seekers to verify the validity of a job offer before taking an adverse action regarding their current employment situations. Job Seekers are solely responsible for verifying the accuracy of any Employer or job offer.

Resumes, Profile, and Recommended Jobs

By creating a WRP Resume or uploading a file resume on WRP, WRP may share with you Job Ads that match the contents of Your Resume. WRP may also highlight to you items in Your Resume that may match qualifications from the Job Ad, or highlight to you items that appear in the Job Ad and may be missing from Your Resume. These highlights do not mean you are or are not qualified for the job or that you should or should not apply for it. Applying for such Job Ads does not guarantee job interviews or hiring. Even where WRP highlights items or a Job Ad is shared with you, WRP assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability for the content, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability, or availability of Job Ads or highlights. By creating or uploading Your Resume, you are requesting and authorizing WRP, or a WRP vendor, to review or scan Your Resume and provide you feedback (in WRP’s discretion), including suggested changes. WRP assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for any changes you make based on any provided feedback. WRP assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for the resume or application information you post, send or receive through the Site. By uploading a file resume on the Site, you agree that WRP may convert your file resume to a different file type. It is your responsibility to review Your Resume to ensure that the content appears as you intend, and that it contains the right information or any information you intend to include or update. If you see any inaccuracy in any such material, it is your responsibility to correct such information or to contact WRP to do so. It may take a few days for updates to your account or resume to be reflected. To mitigate fraud, WRP may mask or hide your contact information, for example, we may mask or hide your email address and/or phone number, from Your Resume or application, and may substitute it with an alias. WRP makes no promise to you about whether all or part of your contact info will be masked or hidden, and the decision to mask or hide such info is in WRP’s sole discretion. WRP reserves the right to limit your ability to set Your Resume to public, and may toggle a public resume to private, at any time, to prevent illegal conduct, for fraud mitigation, or for any other reason in WRP’s discretion.

If you have a WRP account, a WRP Resume, or an uploaded file resume, you agree that WRP may associate Your Resume data with your profile on WRP (“WRP Profile”). Your WRP Profile consists of information you provide on the Site in the “Profile” section of your account. This includes your WRP Resume, your scores on any WRP Assessments you may have taken and any information that you choose to include, such as your desired job title, job types, work schedule, whether you are ready to work, or pay. Information in your WRP Profile, except as otherwise indicated on the Site, may be available to third parties, such as Employers. If you do not want WRP to make your WRP Profile available to third parties or if you do not want Employers to contact you, set your WRP Resume and uploaded file resume to private or remove Your Resume / Profile. Your response to a WRP Assessment or survey will be associated with your WRP Profile. You may choose whether your WRP Assessment response is available to Employers viewing your WRP Profile. You can enable the ready to work feature on your profile to let Employers know that you can start work immediately. WRP may disable that feature from your profile after a certain time, but you can manually enable it again.

WRP may also automatically send you recommended jobs via the email address you use to create a WRP account or apply to a job. WRP may determine what these recommended jobs are on the basis of a variety of factors, including but not limited to, any information you input on the Site about yourself (including in Your Resume), searches you run on the Site, jobs you click on, jobs you apply to, or the materials you provide in a job application to an Employer through WRP.

Communications and Other Actions on the Site

When you view, send, store or receive materials (including Job Listings, resumes, messages, applications, questions and responses in applications, and any other information) through or using the Site, WRP may, for example, use such materials for data analysis, quality control, or to refine the Site or any other WRP product or service (including to provide better search results and other listings for Job Seekers and Employers), whether via automated means or otherwise. When an Employer views, sends, stores or receives materials through or using the Site, WRP may inform you about such actions. Additionally, we may also inform you that an Employer has taken other actions with regards to a Job Ad, your Resume, or your application, such as pausing or closing a Job Ad, opening your Resume or application, viewing your Resume or application, responding to your Resume or application, and making a decision with regards to your application or Job Ad. WRP may inform the Employer about activities you take on the Site or your use of the Site, for example, whether you are online or active on WRP, and you hereby consent to WRP taking such actions.
If you have turned on browser push notification and wish to turn them off, you may do so by visiting the settings on your browser.
WRP may offer you the opportunity to receive a text message interview reminder from WRP when an Employer has scheduled interviews with you. In such an event you will enter your phone number on the WRP consent form and by entering your phone number you are representing and confirming it is your phone number and that you have the right to accept text messages at the number. WRP will only send you a text message reminder for such interview and you agree to accept such text message reminder on your cell phone, including messages sent by automated telephone dialing system. You acknowledge that if the words “automated,” “automatic,” or similar words are used on the Site in connection with calls or text messages, these words do not refer to the generation or storage of a phone number. WRP only calls the number that you generated and stored when you provided your number to WRP. In the event you change your phone number, you agree to promptly update your WRP account with the new number. You agree that by providing your phone number or using the Site, you are establishing a business relationship with WRP and that WRP may send you text messages in connection with that relationship. Please note that since these text message services depend on the functionality of third-party providers, there may be technical delays on the part of those providers. We also cannot vouch for the technical capabilities of any third parties to receive such text messages.
WRP may also insert functionality into messages relating to your application allowing you to place calls directly to third parties. Please note this functionality is provided solely as a courtesy and that such calls are not placed through or tracked by WRP. Your standard calling rates with your phone provider will apply.
You may receive messages, including but not limited to text messages, emails or email notifications corresponding with your or an Employer’s (in the event you applied for a job) activity on or use of the Site, WRP Apply, WRP Chat, or any other communications service, product, or feature provided on or through the Site. In all cases, such messages or notifications are provided solely as a courtesy, and you should not rely on them. For example, if you accept an interview request, it is your responsibility to follow up with the employer separately to ensure they know your response, do not rely on notifications through WRP. WRP disclaims all warranties with regards to the transmission or storage of such courtesy notices, does not guarantee their delivery or receipt, and does not guarantee the date or time at which they may be sent. In the event a message being sent is intended for a closed account, these messages will not be deliverable.
WRP may use your email address to create an alias email address for your communication, in lieu of displaying your actual email address to the Employer. Once an Employer has your contact info, you agree that WRP is not responsible or liable for the manner in which the Employer uses the info. Should you choose to send an email from a third party email client, the person with whom you’re communicating may be able to see your email address, rather than the alias. If you send or receive communication on or through the Site, you agree to your communication being processed, analyzed, reviewed, and stored, including via automated means, for data analysis, quality control, enforcement of the Sites’ rules and other WRP policies, content moderation, and to improve the Site or any other WRP product or service.
WRP may enable chatbots, which allows you to take certain actions on the Site, such as apply to a job, schedule an interview, or otherwise interact with the Site, Employers, or Job Listings on our Site (“Chatbot”). You understand that the Chatbot is an automated service that does not involve human interaction. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information submitted through the Chatbot. WRP is not responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of the use (or inability to use) the Chatbot or from the information you submit via the Chatbot.
WRP reserves the right to turn on or enable WRP Chat or other communication options for select Employers or Job Listings, in its sole discretion, and to notify you that WRP Chat or other communication options are available for a particular job or Employer. For WRP Chat, you may access or view your messages by visiting your WRP Chat messages dashboard. WRP may, in its sole discretion, turn off or disable WRP Chat for any Employer or Job Seeker at any time without prior notice. Please note that if you are using WRP Chat to communicate with an Employer, WRP will deliver your messages as instructed by the Employer..

Your Job Seeker Data

You agree that WRP may share all of the information you provide to this site with third-party Employers. If you do not wish to share such information, donot use this site.

Accessing External Sites

This Site may from time to time contain links to other sites on the Internet which are owned and/or operated by third-party vendors and other third parties (the “External Sites”). You acknowledge that WRP is not responsible or liable for any such third parties or for the availability of, or the materials located on or through any External Sites. You should contact the site administrator or webmaster for the applicable External Site if you have any concerns regarding such links or the materials located on an External Site.

In addition, WRP may provide you with links to third party sites that offer you services for your use or benefit. We may stop offering any such third party sites or services at any time. If you choose to use such third party sites or services, you enter into an agreement with such third party alone at your own risk. When entering into an agreement with such parties, you are giving them your data directly and your rights and their obligations are determined by their privacy policies and terms of service. We are not responsible for any content or services provided by these third parties, and disclaim all liability from anything that may occur when you utilize such third parties. We are additionally not responsible for any payment that may be asked of you by such third party.

Using our Site

When you use the Site, you agree to WRP knowing, processing, analyzing, storing, and recording any and all activities you take on the Site and any and all interactions and communications you have with, on, or through the Site, including, but not limited to, knowing, processing, analyzing, and recording which areas of the Site you visit (including without limitation URLs), which content you view, which info you input, whether and where you click, scroll, hover-over, mouseover, or otherwise interact with or communicate with or through the Site, the timing of each activity, and time spent on each activity. WRP collects data from users visiting our Site in private browsing mode, “incognito mode,” or similar modes. You agree that WRP may use third-party vendors to create, store, process, analyze, and record any and all such interactions, activities, and communications made with, on, or through our Site, and that such vendors’ activities are an extension of the Site. By using the Site you authorize WRP and such vendors to make any connections with wires, lines, cables, or instruments, including with communication systems, that may be made in connection with the Site. The Site cannot work as WRP intends it to work unless WRP undertakes such activities. If you do not want your actions to be processed, analyzed, or recorded this way, do not use the Site..

Rules Of Usage

You agree not to access (or attempt to access) the Site by any means other than through the interface that is provided by WRP, unless you have been specifically allowed to do so in a separate, written agreement with WRP. You agree that you will not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the Site (or the servers and networks which are connected to the Site). Unless you have been specifically permitted to do so in a separate, written agreement with WRP, you agree that you will not crawl, scrape, reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade or resell the Site for any purpose. Using or providing any false, fake, or fictitious name or contact information in connection with the Site is grounds for immediate termination of your WRP account and ability to use the Site. You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that WRP has no responsibility or liability to you or to any third party for) any breach of your obligations under this Agreement and for any consequences (including any loss or damage which WRP may suffer) of any such breach.
You agree that you shall not transmit to WRP or upload to or through the Site (whether as User Content or otherwise) any Harmful Code, or use or misappropriate the Site for your own commercial gain. “Harmful Code” shall mean any software (sometimes referred to as “viruses,” “worms,” “Trojan horses,” “time bombs,” “time locks,” “drop dead devices,” “traps,” “access codes,” “cancelbots” or “trap door devices”) that: (a) is designed to damage, disrupt, disable, harm, impair, interfere with, intercept, expropriate or otherwise impede in any manner, any data, storage media, program, system, equipment or communication, based on any event, including for example but not limited to (i) exceeding a number of copies, (ii) exceeding a number of users, (iii) passage of a period of time, (iv) advancement to a particular date or other numeral, or (v) use of a feature; or (b) would enable an unauthorized person to cause such result; or (c) would enable an unauthorized person to access another person’s information without such other person’s knowledge and permission.

Registering and user accounts

Some areas of the Site, including areas that may permit you to set up an WRP account, require you to register or provide an email address. If you so register, you agree to (a) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by our registration form (including your email address) and (b) be responsible for the confidentiality and use of your username and password, and not transfer or resell your use of or access to the Site to any third party. Please note that any individuals with whom you have shared your username and password and who are able to answer verification questions about your WRP account may receive access to information regarding your WRP account. You are advised to safeguard important data and to not upload confidential information on the Site. We reserve the right at all times (but will not have an obligation) to terminate users or to reclaim usernames or URLs. please be aware that passwords have their own vulnerabities and you are encouraged to use a very strong password. If someone obtains unauthorized access of your account, they may have the ability to contact users or take other actions through your account, and WRP may have only limited ability to remedy such situations.

Disclaimers of Warranties

WRP disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, reliability, operability or availability of information or material displayed in or linked from the.

For a Full copy of our privacy policy, please send us an email at wrp@psfu.org.ug